📈Premium Reports
Advanced Reporting
What is Reporting Pro?
Reporting Pro is a key component when it comes to obtaining precision in the analytical measurements of Contact Center activity. This module allows for the generation of multiple productivity and efficiency metrics, while combining statistical information in order to offer greater “granularity” when displaying information, which allows for a substantial improvement in the presentation of information for decision-making. The compendium of existing metrics includes:
Caller ID or Dialed Numbers
Distribution by Campaign, Schedule, Month, Week, Day and Hour.
Detail of calls answered by Campaign, Agent, Schedule
Failed Call Detail
Number of attemps
Total and Average Waiting Times
Total and Average Speaking Times
Total and Average Session Times
Total and Average Pause Times
Agent Availability: Start-End Times for Sessions and Breaks
Number of Agents per Day and Hour
Disconnection Reasons for each established call, by Campaign
No Connection Reasons for each call attempt, by Campaign
Call times and routing destinations, with their corresponding wait times and completion statuses.
Exhaustive Filtering Granularity: by Campaign Type, by Campaign, by Agent Groups and/or Individual Agents, by Phone and/or Caller ID, by Connection Type, by Continuous or Non-Contiguous Time Slot.
Time Zone Settings (ideal for locations in different geographic zones)
Customizable Service Level.
Exporting Results to CSV
Download and Listen to Recordings from Report.
An instance of OMniLeads Enterprise
release-1.5.0 minimamente instalado para el release-1.1.0 del Premium Reports.
release-1.12.0 minimally installed for Premium Reports release-1.2.0.
release-1.14.0 minimally installed for Premium Reports release-1.3.0.
release-1.24.0 minimally installed for Premium Reports release-1.3.7.
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